Times: 12:00 - 17:00
All classic cars (25 years + age), motorbikes and tractors. Admission: £5.00 per person (primary school children fee) for entry to all village events. All owners displaying their vehicles receive one free pass to all village events. The event will be well signposted on the day
This popular event, in the beautiful villageof Gringley-on-the-Hill in Nottinghamshire, is held every two years, including 7 open gardens, and up to 100 classic vehicles expected. The event has been held every two years, since 2002. All car owners who pre-register will receive a attendance plaque, and there is a Best in Show award.
Location: Village Playing Fields, Gringley-on-the-Hill.
Area: Nottinghamshire
Region: East Midlands
Postcode: DN10 4SF
Contact Name: Stephen Wright
Contact Address: Telephone Number: 07957 862027
View Website: http://www.facebook.com/GringleyOpenGardens
Email Address: hallofnames@btopenworld.com
Standard Admission (£): £5.00 per person
Admission with classic car (£): Free, if pre-booked