Times: 10.00am—5.00pm
It is now a standalone event which has grown in popularity over the years, with vehicles travelling from as far afield as Gloucestershire, Glamorgan, Hampshire and Cornwall to take part.Show Time at the Top Spot Marquee from 2.30pm. Entertainer TBC Due to a change in car parking arrangements for 2019 and a potential need to limit numbers, we suggest exhibitors register as soon as possible.
***No confirmed 2025 dates yet***Vintage and Classic Vehicle Rally has evolved from the Steam Festival Days held at Pecorama in the mid 1990s. It’s always a jolly and colourful affair, with deck chairs, sun brollies and picnic baskets scattered among the cherished vehicles. Much chatter and camera clicking takes place, as both visitors and participants alike inspect and admire the host of vehicles displayed in the Pecorama car parks.
Location: Pecorama, Underleys, Beer
Area: Devon
Region: 39
Postcode: EX12 3NA
Pecorama stands proudly above the village of Beer, high on the hillside overlooking the sea in Devon.
Contact Name: Joseph Rogers
Contact Address: Tel 01297 21542.
View Website: https://www.pecorama.co.uk/
Email Address: pecorama@pecobeer.co.uk
Standard Admission (£): Std admissions see web site
Admission with classic car (£): Free if pre-booked inc free entrance