Classic Shows UK - Listing Classic and Vintage Motor Car Shows in the UK

Listing All Classic and Vintage Motor Car Shows in the UK

Event Information For ' Sandbach Festival of Transport'

Date: 26 April 2025-27 April 2025

Times: Main parade at 13:00 through town

Car Information

The parade includes an impressive line-up of all types of transport ranging from veteran, vintage, classic - both heavy and light - right up to the very latest cars and heavy goods vehicles. The two-mile parade attracts crowds from home and abroad and has proved so popular that entries have had to be limited because otherwise the parade would be too long! Each year the day is combined with a National Town Criers’ competition with Town Criers travelling from all parts of Britain to compete. The brightly coloured costumes of the Town Criers against the backdrop of the picturesque Ancient Crosses on the Square make for a most entertaining event.

About Sandbach Festival of Transport

The vintage and new vehicle parade incorporating a huge variety of old and new vehicles. There will be the usual Hog Roast, Art Exhibition, Northwest Town Criers Competition, fairground rides, charity stalls, live music, marching bands and a whole host of other fun things for a great FREE family day out.

Location: Sandbach town centre

Area: Cheshire

Region: North West


Organiser Information

Contact Name: Elsie Alcock

Contact Address: 01270 766238

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Standard Admission (£): free

Admission with classic car (£): £5

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