Classic Shows UK - Listing Classic and Vintage Motor Car Shows in the UK

Listing All Classic and Vintage Motor Car Shows in the UK

Event Information For ' Simply British Classics Beaulieu'

Date: 27 April 2025-27 April 2025

Times: 10am - 5pm

Car Information

As well as being an opportunity to see an array of classic British vehicles, there is also the opportunity to enjoy all that Beaulieu has to offer. Entry will include admission to all the Beaulieu attractions including the National Motor Museum, Little Beaulieu, World of Top Gear, Palace House and Beaulieu Abbey. Please note our indoor spaces will have a limited capacity. These tickets are only valid if arriving in a pre-1990 British vehicle. Click here to buy visitor tickets.

About Simply British Classics Beaulieu

Simply British Classics will be returning to Beaulieu for an excellent day out that owners and enthusiasts will enjoy. Set in the parkland of the National Motor Museum, the rally is open to all pre-1990 British marque vehicles, from British manufacturers to those manufactured in Britain, and is a welcome return to our events calendar for its second year.

Location: National Motor Museum, Beaulieu

Area: Hampshire

Region: London+South East

Postcode: SO42 7ZN

Organiser Information

Beaulieu, one of the South of Englands top day visitor attractions, is set in the heart of the New Forest.

Contact Name: Beaulieu Events Team

Contact Address: John Montagu Building, Beaulieu, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7ZN Tel:01590 612345

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Standard Admission (£): see organiser

Admission with classic car (£): see organiser

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