Date: 27 April 2025-27 April 2025
Car Information
The event will be run under an MSA touring assembly permit and is open to vintage & veteran cars, classic cars, sports cars, prestige cars and modern sports & performance cars and is limited to 30 vehicles in total.
Entry fees are £108.00 for an individual entrant and £168.00 for a crew of two.
Included in your entry fee:-
•Breakfast and reserved parking at Deanston Distillery, Doune
•Private lunch at Inveraray Castle + reserved parking
•Visit/tour of Inveraray Castle & gardens
•Scenic rally of some 120 miles
•Route instructions
•Numbered roundels for your car
•The services of the CCT team + support vehicle
About Drive it day Scotland
The day starts with arrival at the Deanston Distillery, Doune for breakfast and registration. Parking has been reserved for your car and prior to the drivers briefing entrants will receive numbered roundels for their car and route instructions for the day.
The first car departs at 09.15; following cars will then set off at 30 second intervals.
The route will take in some beautifully scenic roads as we head through Thornhill/Gartocharn/Balloch to the shores of Loch Lomond and then through Glen Fruin, around the Cowal Peninsula, over Glen Croe & Hells Glen and then onward to Argyll and the stunning Inveraray Castle.
On arrival at the castle entrants will enjoy a private lunch in the "Old Kitchen".
This will be followed by a castle visit, including the stunning gardens, and a group photograph of all the cars and drivers/crews at the front of the castle.
Location: Deanston Distillery, Doune
Area: Scotland
Region: Scotland
Postcode:FK16 6AG
Organiser Information
Contact Name: ..
Contact Address: 7 Apple Way, The Stroud, Glasgow, Scotland G75 0GB
Phone. 01355 260422
Mobile. 07876 211785
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Email Address:
Standard Admission (£): See organiser
Admission with classic car (£): See above
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