A great mixture of steam traction engines and classic cars. Fairground Organs, Vintage Commercials, Classic Motorcycles, Tractors, Static engines, Craft Marquee, Autojumble. Anticipated Attractions include: Stuntworld, Ken Fox’s Wall of Death, 30 x Steam Engines, 200 x Classic Cars, 150 x Vintage Commercials, 40 x Land Rovers, 150 x Classic Motorcycles, 80 x Tractors, Stationary Engines, Miniature Steam Engines, Military Section, Model Boat Display with Pool, Birds of Prey, Miniature Railway, Trade Stands, Craft & Fine Food Marquee, Autojumble Stands, Modern & Vintage Fairground, Public Camping, Licensed Bar & Catering Outlets.
Location: Daresbury Warrington
Area: Cheshire
Region: North West
Postcode:WA4 4AG
Contact Name: Richard Ashworth
Contact Address: Skelton Banks, Cropton, Pickering, North Yorkshire, YO18 8EX. Telephone: 01751 200839
View Website: http://www.outdoorshows.co.uk/
Email Address: info@outdoorshows.co.uk
Standard Admission (£): See organiser
Admission with classic car (£): See organiser