f you wish to book your car club to come to Crich Tramway Village, call us with the date, number and type of vehicles, number of drivers and passengers and approximate arrival time on 01773 854321. Drivers wishing to bring their cars into the Village will be admitted free, with passengers admitted at group rates. An opportunity for you to bring along your vintage vehicle, or come and view those on display. Vehicle booking forms: 2017-vehicleform pre-booking-conditions-of-booking
Location: Crich Tramway Village, Town End, Crich, Matlock
Area: Derbyshire
Region: East Midlands
Postcode:DE4 5DP
Trams run to and fro every few minutes as visitors ride over the cobbles of our period street, past the original facades of historic buildings from the around the country before heading up the valley to views that will take your breath away. Hand over the old penny you are given on entry and you are free to ride the trams all day.
Contact Name: Amanda Blair
Contact Address: Crich Tramway Village, nr Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 5DP. Telephone Number: 01773 854 321
View Website: http://www.tramway.co.uk
Email Address: enquiry@tramway.co.uk
Standard Admission (£): See above
Admission with classic car (£): See organiser