Once again our Grand Festival Parade (organised by Rob Skoulding and Stuart & Marie Rayner), on the theme of Flower Power/Summer of Love, will be led by Vivien the Fire Engine and will include a Classic Vehicle Parade (sponsored by Bruce Smith). The latter will set off from City Road Car Park at about 12.15. Location: March. The latter part of the parade will arrive back in City Road Car Park where they will disperse, The Classic Vehicles will travel along Burrowmoor Road and Gaul Road and onto the far end of the park beyond Oxbow Crescent and Park View, where they will be available for viewing for the afternoon and for people to have a chat with the owners. The Bruce Smith trophy for the Best Classic Vehicle along with the Skoulding Trophy for Best Group and the Mallett Trophy for Best Individual will be awarded after the opening of the event at 13.45 on the stage in West End Park. Please contact parade@marchsummerfestival.co.uk
Location: City Road Car Park March
Area: cambridgeshire
Region: East
March Summer Festival is a major community event which has been running alongside the March Lions Club Gala, in its present format since the year 2000. Originally the Festival also formed part of the Fenland Colourscape Music Festival. Now, an open-air stage is set up in West End Park for a weekend and the programme encompasses music and activities to appeal to all ages and tastes. The aim is to bring the community together to celebrate and enjoy local musical and dance talent.
Contact Name: Marie Rayner
Contact Address: Telephone Number: 07968329555
View Website: http://marchsummerfestival.co.uk
Email Address: marierayner251@btinternet.com
Standard Admission (£): free
Admission with classic car (£): free