The Brunel Run 2025 is scheduled for Saturday 6th September. Provisionally entitled “Strawberries and Steam”.Plans are still ongoing but currently include a day run event starting at The Bridge Inn, North End Road, Yatton, North Somerset BS49 4AU where optional breakfasts will be available.The run is around 90 miles and takes in a steam heritage venue for a lunch time stop. It will finish at the Mizzymead Recreation Centre, Mizzymead Rise, Nailsea BS48 2JJ with an afternoon tea, the opportunity to socialise and possibly skittles to follow BOOKING FORMS AND FULL INFO AVAILABLE AT: or phone 01934 833648. Tel: 01934 833648 Web:
Location: Bridge Inn, North End Road, Yatton,
Area: Somerset
Region: South West
Postcode:BS49 4AU
Contact Name: N/A
Contact Address: Octagon House, 1 Over Road, Swavesey, Cambridge CB24 4QZ Please only contact for membership and not event information:- Tel: 01954 231125 Fax: 01954 232106 email:
View Website:
Email Address:
Standard Admission (£): See organiser
Admission with classic car (£): £20 per car for BRUNEL RUN on Saturday