The show is open to any classic vehicles with an emphasis on vehicles over 25 years old. However, as the event is now in its fourth year and we have gained much more experience in running the show, we now feel able to invite pre 1980 motorcycles too. For photos of cars attending this event, visit:-!AjyR4hRfVBmalsZoOZBg8Uz5P7aD-A?e=R2Qom3
Location: Pump Room Gardens Leamington Spa
Area: Warwickshire
Region: West Midlands
Postcode:CV32 4AA
Rotary Club of Royal Leamington Spa are a charity raising monies for local and international charities
Contact Name: Barry Andrews
Contact Address: 10 Guys Cliffe Avenue, Leamington Spa, CV32 6LY.
View Website:
Email Address:
Standard Admission (£): Programmes
Admission with classic car (£): £10 – see website for entry form