In 2024 the world's greatest celebration of motorsport and car culture will be held in the beautiful parkland surrounding Goodwood House. The Festival of Speed is motorsport's ultimate summer garden party, an intoxicating celebration of the world's most glamorous sport. Nowhere else will you get so close to the cars and bikes as they blast up the Hillclimb track; nowhere else will you enjoy such unrestricted access to the machines and the drivers who made them famous.
Location: Goodwood House nr Chichester
Area: Sussex
Region: London+South East
Postcode:PO18 OPH
Goodwood - Shortly after taking over the estate in the early nineties, Lord March wanted to bring back motor racing to Goodwood Circuit. He has established two events -the Goodwood Revival, based on the circuit - representing a magical step back in time to the romance and glamour of motor racing as it used to be. In front of Goodwood House, the annual Festival of Speed has established itself as the world's biggest celebration of the motor car with 150,000 visitors.
Contact Name: James Thorpe
Contact Address: Please contact via e-mail or Phone 01243 755055
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Standard Admission (£): See web site
Admission with classic car (£): N/A